First email - brand welcome
Second email - more info on brand, discount offer
Third email - deep dive on DripDrop's founder and mission
Fourth email - explainer on subscribe and save program
Initial email - Fruit Punch
Initial email - Watermelon
Initial email - Zero Sugar Lemon Lime
Followup email - sent if no purchase is made after initial email.
Gif summarizing DripDrop's reasons to believe in the product
Referral program email - sent to recent purchasers encouraging them to recommend DripDrop to a friend and earn a discount.
Alternate version of the referral program email.
First email sent to recent subscribe and save enrollees.
Second email sent to recent subscribe and save enrollees.
First email - customers who have made a purchase in the past.
Followup email for returning customers.
First email - new customers.
Followup email for new customers.